Manchurian Candidate, The
MGM / UA (1962)
Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   8.1
129 mins USA / English
TS  Any Region   PG-13
Angela Lansbury Mrs. Iselin
Henry Silva Chunjin
James Gregory Sen. John Yerkes Iselin
Laurence Harvey Raymond Shaw
Frank Sinatra Maj. Bennett Marco
Janet Leigh Eugenie Rose Chaney
John McGiver Sen. Thomas Jordan
Leslie Parrish Jocelyn Jordan
James Edwards Cpl. Alvin Melvin
Khigh Dhiegh Dr. Yen Lo
John Frankenheimer
Producer George Axelrod
John Frankenheimer
Writer John Frankenheimer
George Axelrod
Richard Condon

Ask Major Bennet Marco and he'll say that Sgt. Raymond Shaw is a hero worthy of the Medal Of Honor. But despite what he says, Marco suspects otherwise. A bizarre, recurring nightmare gives him teh uneasy feeling that Shaw is something far less heroic and far more insidious. Is it possible that Shaw is a traitor? Can Marco convince the Army of his suspicions? How does Shaw's powermad mother figure into all this? So many questions. So precious little time....
Edition Details
Chapters 36
Release Date 3/24/1998
Packaging Hard Disk Only
Screen Ratio Widescreen (1.78:1)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1
No. of Disks/Tapes 1