Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas Productions (2012)
Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction
In Collection
Seen ItNo
IMDB   7.6
172 mins Germany / English
TS  Any Region   PG (Parental Guidance)
Tom Hanks Dr. Henry Goose/Hotel Manager/Isaac Sachs/Dermot Hoggins/Cavendish Look-a-Like Actor/Zachry
Halle Berry Native Woman/Jocasta Ayrs/Luisa Rey/Indian Party Guest/Ovid/Meronym
Jim Broadbent Captain Molyneux/Vyvyan Ayrs/Timothy Cavendish/Korean Musician/Prescient 2
Hugo Weaving Haskell Moore/Tadeusz Kesselring/Bill Smoke/Nurse Noakes/Boardman Mephi/Old Georgie
Jim Sturgess Adam Ewing/Poor Hotel Guest/Megan's Dad/Highlander/Hae-Joo Chang/Adam/Zachry Brother-in-Law
Doona Bae Tilda/Megan's Mom/Mexican Woman/Sonmi-451/Sonmi-351/Sonmi Prostitute
Ben Whishaw Cabin Boy/Robert Frobisher/Store Clerk/Georgette/Tribesman
Keith David Kupaka/Joe Napier/An-kor Apis/Prescient
James D'Arcy Young Rufus Sixsmith/Old Rufus Sixsmith/Nurse James/Archivist
Xun Zhou Talbot/Hotel Manager/Yoona-939/Rose
Andy Wachowski
Tom Tykwer
Producer Andy Wachowski
Tom Tykwer
Writer Andy Wachowski
David Mitchell
Cinematography John Toll
Frank Griebe
Musician Tom Tykwer
Reinhold Heil

A set of six nested stories spanning time between the 19th century and a distant post-apocalyptic future. Based on the award winning novel by David Mitchell. Directed by Tom Tykwer and the Wachowskis.
Edition Details
Packaging Hard Disk Only
Screen Ratio Widescreen (1.78:1)
Audio Tracks Dolby Digital 5.1
No. of Disks/Tapes 1
Personal Details
Disk Pack 14
Links Movie Collector Connect